Aimée Phillips
Pussy, King of the Pirates
2023, Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
Textile, latex, bio-plastic, rubber, sound, foam, plastic and tubes
150 × 300 cm

Pussy’s* suit is dismantled and placed through a hallway that resembles the dark belly of a pirate ship. In the background you hear the tapping of Pussy’s boots, objects clatter whilst the ship prances. An attempt to demystify female and queer presence in military space, the realm of love-anarchy, waters and seascapes.

*The title of the work is a direct reference to Kathy Acker’s book (1996) carrying the same name, a punk pirate story inspired by and plagiarising ‘Treasure Island’ written by Robert Stevenson.

Textile Suit, video

A short film about a rat nest in a compost pile; a work about living together with other creatures in a system of growth, our perception on the rat as ‘the underdog’ of a urban environment versus their position as an important part of the biodiversity on farms, and a playful narration about love and destruction.
(Click on image to go to the film)

Presentation at Eight Cubic Meters,
Picture by Dawid Dobosz
Lilith, a Portrait
Collaboration with Karla Nilzen
Presentation at Stedelijk Museum
Pictures by Dawid Dobosz

Lilith was the first woman created out of the same soil as Adam who, when she defied to be subservient to him, fled to the Red Sea. The Red Sea serves as the backdrop of this assembled portrait, the place where she started to dissolve and transform. Lilith, a portrait is inspired by the uneasiness and non-state of being fragmented. It is made of a collection of objects that refer to Lilith’s story and her characteristics. It is an invitation to meet Lilith dynamically; not as a static and essentialist woman but a floating identity.

Please feel free to touch, softly
Scarecrows, where do they live?

Pallets, paperpulp, buoy, wood, plaster, oil cans
A fascination for scarecrows and their ability to frighten and protect within an urban environment. Within this research scare- crows became a gentle form of self protection and evaluation. They are subjects to their surrounding and maker, lethargically and willing.
Becoming Verdure,

A cinematic exploration into the menace of the anthropocene. Becoming something other than self trough interventions with commercialised farmland. The video work contains multiple short actions, planting a seed, bietbad (beetroot-bathing) and were projected onto a concrete bassin. Because of the concrete urban surface the projections were distorted, trying to transmit the loss of freshness and verdure.
(Click on the image to go to the film)
Pussy Soufflé and Milkbottle,

(Click on the image to go to the film)

An autoerotic Octopussy, 
grotesque extraterrestrial vomit extending, 
moths eating themselves out whilst drinking the tears of sleeping birds, 
Pussy, King of the Pirates’ hazmat suit, 
pyrophile flower stacks 
and a coarse glove-tongue 
teeming and lumbering in the stormy nocturnal gloaming of erotic gardens.

This collection of parading hybrid bodies is an attempt to convey the fascination about what the prospect of collective movement, in forms of protest and celebration, may imply. 
The sculptures are exploring the erotic conception of others, not only considering sexual demeanour but encompassing passion, desire, solidarity and the other aspects that erotics incorporates.
This exploration is introduced as a methodology attributing to the desire to move together.
The desire to be a body in motion in a love-anarchist capacity, a term I use as an attempt to dismantle, challenge and question neoliberal capitalist discourse.

Pictures by Rosalie Apituley

Cry(P)tid, Queen of the Pirates, 2023, Countdown Grabowsee Residency

Ode to K. Acker, Pirate Q.
Pirate sex began on the date when the liquids began to gush forward, unveiling masturbating cryptids and polymorphous hybrids.
Pirates go by ship because that’s their way to elude the authorities.